Flutter firebase remote config
Flutter firebase remote config

flutter firebase remote config

minimumFetchInterval: const Duration(days: 30),Īwait _firebaseRemoteConfig.fetchAndActivate() MinimumFetchInterval: const Duration(minutes: 1), _firebaseRemoteConfig = FirebaseRemoteConfig.instance Īwait _tConfigSettings(įetchTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 30), Static final RemoteConfig _singleton = RemoteConfig._internal() Late FirebaseRemoteConfig _firebaseRemoteConfig Import 'package:flutter_modular/flutter_modular.dart' If you try to get a parameter that's not defined in the Firebase console, the default value for the parameter will be used.Import 'package:firebase_remote_config/firebase_remote_config.dart' Publish your newly added changes to make them available to your app. The value of this parameter is a JSON string matching the structure of our Flutter color scheme. _remoteConfig = await RemoteConfig.instance įirebase recommends us to define default values for each parameter. Next go to the Firebase Console, select your project and add a new Remote Config Parameter called colorScheme.


Assuming we have a state variable _remoteConfig, you can get the instance like the code below.

flutter firebase remote config

import 'package:firebase_remote_config/firebase_remote_config.dart' Īfter that, you can get the instance of RemoteConfig by calling RemoteConfig.instance which returns Future. First, you need to import the package in the file where you want to access the values from Firebase. Having created the parameters and integrated Remote Config to your Flutter application, now it's time to get the values of the parameters. You can see the list of conditions on the Conditions tab and change the priority by dragging and dropping the conditions. Enable Google Analytics in your project, which enables you to have an optimal experience using many Firebase products, like Crashlytics and Remote Config. If there are multiple conditions that evaluate to true, the first one with the highest priority will be used. You can read the details in our tutorial about integration with Firebase services in Flutter.Īfter the condition has been created, you can set a different value for that condition.


Then, download and copy the config files to your project. Basically, what you need to do is create a Firebase project and add an application to the Firebase console. Like using other Firebase services, you need to integrate your Firebase account with the application. Integrate Firebase to Flutter Application If you're using Flutter, there is already a package from the Firebase Team that makes it easier to use Remote Config in a Flutter application.

flutter firebase remote config

The application will fetch the parameters and use them to determine its layout and/or behavior. The app is consuming the API and add a key is required to access the payload. The Firebase Remote Config allows you to define several parameters which can be done from the Firebase Console or Firebase Remote Config API which should be called from the backend of your application. 1 I'm using an API that requires me to add the key so that I get the payload I need. But if you don't want to do that, you can use a 3rd party service such as Firebase Remote Config. You can develop your own backend API for that purpose. One of the possible solutions for that problem is by storing the config in a server and the application needs to fetch the config to determine the layout.

Flutter firebase remote config